If Nixon's 1971 War on cancer simply aired The Truth About Cancer’s Global Quest in every household, cancer would cease to exist by now. Ty Bollinger and his team have given a platform to spill the beans on what cancer is and how to beat it for medical professional currently working within the system as well as those who have been attacked and destroyed by it. What The Global Quest accomplishes — perhaps once and for all — is to put to rest the safety and effectiveness of toxic chemotherapy practices. In a world where most will be touched by cancer, no laws, governments or medical associations can stop a rapidly growing population currently on a mission to educate, expose and eradicate cancer. Each year, the consciousness continues to shift away from industrialized medicine teaching elementary prevention and nutrition strategies to combat cancer.
The uncomfortable truth is that drug companies have been the abusive parents of an infantile medical system too inexperienced to venture out alone. It appears this is not the case anymore. Oncologists — who get kickbacks from prescribing chemotherapy agents/drugs — are becoming alarmed at the rising prices insurance companies are charging patients for their treatments. However, haggling over the price of ineffective, patented treatments within a broken system does little. In addition, the continued research by drug companies to get a synthetic version of a free, natural method does little to address the current cancer epidemic. Listening to the experts in The Global Quest, one can’t help experience the momentum to get active and take back their power to heal.
“Patented medicine does not belong in the human body.” Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, MD
The pillars are crumbling around a medical-industrial complex driven by bottom lines instead of people’s lives. Even mainstream medicine’s sacred cow of evidence-based medicine revolving around peer-reviewed research heavily influence by drug companies is being revealed as highly fallible. Widely reported in May 2015, Richard Smith — who edited the British Medical Journal for more than a decade — said there was no evidence that peer-review was a good method of detecting errors claiming “most of what is published in journals is just plain wrong or nonsense”. Smith went further to state “If peer review was a drug it would never get on the market because we have lots of evidence of its adverse effects and don’t have evidence of its benefit…It’s time to slaughter the sacred cow.” The public appears to be witnessing a slow motion admittance of continuous criminal research fraud. The mainstream medical community’s trust appears to be irrevocably damaged.
“We live in a medieval status. This is the real reason cancer is killing people.” -Dr. Tullio Simoncini
Cancer’s grip on humanity is loosening and the next steps are anyone’s guess. Education continues to shift public perception away from a medical monopoly focused on shareholder earnings. Communities are talking as family members educate each other. Oncologists are seeing potential customers exit their business model for safer methods. The public is realizing that true healing cannot be patented and has been available to them all along.
The uncomfortable truth is that drug companies have been the abusive parents of an infantile medical system too inexperienced to venture out alone. It appears this is not the case anymore. Oncologists — who get kickbacks from prescribing chemotherapy agents/drugs — are becoming alarmed at the rising prices insurance companies are charging patients for their treatments. However, haggling over the price of ineffective, patented treatments within a broken system does little. In addition, the continued research by drug companies to get a synthetic version of a free, natural method does little to address the current cancer epidemic. Listening to the experts in The Global Quest, one can’t help experience the momentum to get active and take back their power to heal.
“Patented medicine does not belong in the human body.” Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, MD
The pillars are crumbling around a medical-industrial complex driven by bottom lines instead of people’s lives. Even mainstream medicine’s sacred cow of evidence-based medicine revolving around peer-reviewed research heavily influence by drug companies is being revealed as highly fallible. Widely reported in May 2015, Richard Smith — who edited the British Medical Journal for more than a decade — said there was no evidence that peer-review was a good method of detecting errors claiming “most of what is published in journals is just plain wrong or nonsense”. Smith went further to state “If peer review was a drug it would never get on the market because we have lots of evidence of its adverse effects and don’t have evidence of its benefit…It’s time to slaughter the sacred cow.” The public appears to be witnessing a slow motion admittance of continuous criminal research fraud. The mainstream medical community’s trust appears to be irrevocably damaged.
“We live in a medieval status. This is the real reason cancer is killing people.” -Dr. Tullio Simoncini
Cancer’s grip on humanity is loosening and the next steps are anyone’s guess. Education continues to shift public perception away from a medical monopoly focused on shareholder earnings. Communities are talking as family members educate each other. Oncologists are seeing potential customers exit their business model for safer methods. The public is realizing that true healing cannot be patented and has been available to them all along.