The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently approved a doubling in the use of Dow Chemical’s controversial new herbicide Enlist Duo. A mix of glyphosate and 2,4 D, Enlist Duo received the green light for use in nine more key farming states. After major backlash and lawsuits, the new herbicide was limited to only six states during its initial approval in 2014. The EPA has given the go-ahead to spray the new herbicide on genetically engineered corn and soybeans in Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and Oklahoma. It was previously approved for use in only Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin.
With the world still in shock from glyphosate’s new designation as a “possible Human Carcinogen”, the EPA appears to be ignoring any new findings by doubling down on their extended approval. What is also interesting it that the EPA never updated its Enlist Duo Herbicide Fact Sheet from 2014 which states:
“Use is safe for everyone, including infants, the developing fetus, the elderly, and highly exposed groups including agricultural workers. The approved use is safe for the environment including endangered species.”
Given the gravity of this statement on the EPA’s fact sheet from 2014, can we assume that the new, highly relevant scientific information from the World Health Organization was not a consideration in its recent nine state expansions? As stated in its initial 2014 approval, Dow will be required to monitor and report the effects of this new herbicide. Unfortunately, Dow’s corporate rap sheet is riddled with human rights abuses, major environmental contamination, and numerous product safety issues from their previous products and practices.
It is confirmed that the world is rapidly rejecting genetically modified organisms and their toxic chemicals at every level. Medical researchers, entire countries, states, manufacturers, major grocery chains, communities, farmers, and individuals are all casting their vote to end this failed experiment. With the new-found courage of Dr. Oz, the non-GMO exodus appears to be going from a historical movement to one of megaviral, mainstream popularity.
Reuters Press Release
Enlist Duo EPA Fact Sheet
Dow’s Rap Sheet
With the world still in shock from glyphosate’s new designation as a “possible Human Carcinogen”, the EPA appears to be ignoring any new findings by doubling down on their extended approval. What is also interesting it that the EPA never updated its Enlist Duo Herbicide Fact Sheet from 2014 which states:
“Use is safe for everyone, including infants, the developing fetus, the elderly, and highly exposed groups including agricultural workers. The approved use is safe for the environment including endangered species.”
Given the gravity of this statement on the EPA’s fact sheet from 2014, can we assume that the new, highly relevant scientific information from the World Health Organization was not a consideration in its recent nine state expansions? As stated in its initial 2014 approval, Dow will be required to monitor and report the effects of this new herbicide. Unfortunately, Dow’s corporate rap sheet is riddled with human rights abuses, major environmental contamination, and numerous product safety issues from their previous products and practices.
It is confirmed that the world is rapidly rejecting genetically modified organisms and their toxic chemicals at every level. Medical researchers, entire countries, states, manufacturers, major grocery chains, communities, farmers, and individuals are all casting their vote to end this failed experiment. With the new-found courage of Dr. Oz, the non-GMO exodus appears to be going from a historical movement to one of megaviral, mainstream popularity.
Reuters Press Release
Enlist Duo EPA Fact Sheet
Dow’s Rap Sheet