Quartz media just ran an explosive article titled What’s Killing America's New Mothers? The article calls America's maternal death rate “...the US’s most shameful statistics.”. The article goes on: “While most of the world has drastically reduced maternal mortality in the past three decades, the US is one of just a handful of countries where the problem worsened, and significantly.” With an estimated 26.4 maternal deaths for every 100,000 live births in 2015, America has the highest maternal mortality rate of all industrialized countries. The US infant mortality rate, also being one of the worst among developed countries, has been another source of great concern.
Further investigation of the shocking maternal and infant mortality rates reveals a clear theme of 'out of sight, out of mind' tracking of both the rates and the causes. For starters, the authors of the Quartz article had the following concern:
“There is no standard or official method of tracking, and cases are not routinely documented...Even gathering reliable data for this story was difficult.”
One low-hanging fruit that seems to be ignored by the medical community, regulatory agencies, and the corporate media is the role pesticides and herbicides may play in America's dismal infant and maternal mortality rates. The US Food and Drug Administration's 2015 Annual Pesticide Monitoring Program found 207 different pesticides in food samples. A recent study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Internal Medicine was the first to look closely at the amount of pesticides people ingest with their food and their reproductive health. The study found the following:
“intake of high–pesticide residue fruits and vegetables was associated with a lower probability of live births...”
Meanwhile, another recent study published in JAMA titled Excretion of the Herbicide Glyphosate in Older Adults Between 1993 and 2016 revealed troubling findings, which can no longer be ignored. The study, comprised of sixty percent women, showed that human exposure to glyphosate has increased by 500 percent in the past two decades. Unfortunately, the recent JAMA-glyphosate study is one of the rare efforts aimed at determining the extent of exposure of Americans to this known carcinogenic chemical.
The common theme of pesticide and herbicide research is the absence of thorough studies on the effects of these environmental toxins on our health, as they make their way into our air, water, and food. According to Monsanto's own internal emails, their widely used glyphosate formulation Round up® was approved for use without proper safety studies. Along the same vein, there has been a complete absence of any oversight by US regulatory agencies to monitor and limit glyphosate in our environment. Put quite simply, Americans are living in a giant experiment and the evidence so far points to catastrophe.
No conversation about soaring maternal and infant mortality rates in America is complete without factoring in a possible role of prenatal vaccines. Since the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) licensing of vaccines does not include the approval of their use during pregnancy, and tracking/oversight of the US vaccination program has been broken for decades, we must consider this low-hanging fruit as another possible culprit.
Let's start with the obvious. For many years it was accepted by the medical community that vaccines are not to be given during pregnancy. But in the twenty-first century, that all suddenly changed. Now the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends pregnant women get the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccine during each pregnancy. In addition, there is also an aggressive, ongoing campaign to target pregnant women with the flu shot. According to the CDC's website, even the Hepatitis B vaccine is “recommended in some cases,” citing “Pregnancy is not a contraindication to vaccination.” There is one big problem that the CDC and medical bodies endorsing their recommendations overlook: none of the vaccines they recommend for pregnant women have had any safety testing on...pregnant women. The manufacturer's vaccine insert for the two popular Tdap vaccines, Adacel and Boostrix, both state that it's unknown whether the vaccines can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction capacity. Similarly, the manufacturer's insert of a popular flu shot brand FLULAVAL states, “There are insufficient data on FLULAVAL QUADRIVALENT in pregnant women to inform vaccine-associated risks.”
Establishment mouthpieces for Big Pharma and Big Ag will say the science is settled. In reality, the science has barely started. Forcing untested, dangerous vaccines on pregnant women while both infant and maternal mortality rates rise to the highest mark in industrial nations isn't science, isn't health, and isn't medicine. Allowing untested, dangerous herbicides and pesticides to permeate our air, food, water, and even vaccines without oversight or proper testing of its health effects isn't agricultural progress. It is the sacrifice of human health at the altar of corporate profits and corruption.
Further investigation of the shocking maternal and infant mortality rates reveals a clear theme of 'out of sight, out of mind' tracking of both the rates and the causes. For starters, the authors of the Quartz article had the following concern:
“There is no standard or official method of tracking, and cases are not routinely documented...Even gathering reliable data for this story was difficult.”
One low-hanging fruit that seems to be ignored by the medical community, regulatory agencies, and the corporate media is the role pesticides and herbicides may play in America's dismal infant and maternal mortality rates. The US Food and Drug Administration's 2015 Annual Pesticide Monitoring Program found 207 different pesticides in food samples. A recent study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Internal Medicine was the first to look closely at the amount of pesticides people ingest with their food and their reproductive health. The study found the following:
“intake of high–pesticide residue fruits and vegetables was associated with a lower probability of live births...”
Meanwhile, another recent study published in JAMA titled Excretion of the Herbicide Glyphosate in Older Adults Between 1993 and 2016 revealed troubling findings, which can no longer be ignored. The study, comprised of sixty percent women, showed that human exposure to glyphosate has increased by 500 percent in the past two decades. Unfortunately, the recent JAMA-glyphosate study is one of the rare efforts aimed at determining the extent of exposure of Americans to this known carcinogenic chemical.
The common theme of pesticide and herbicide research is the absence of thorough studies on the effects of these environmental toxins on our health, as they make their way into our air, water, and food. According to Monsanto's own internal emails, their widely used glyphosate formulation Round up® was approved for use without proper safety studies. Along the same vein, there has been a complete absence of any oversight by US regulatory agencies to monitor and limit glyphosate in our environment. Put quite simply, Americans are living in a giant experiment and the evidence so far points to catastrophe.
No conversation about soaring maternal and infant mortality rates in America is complete without factoring in a possible role of prenatal vaccines. Since the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) licensing of vaccines does not include the approval of their use during pregnancy, and tracking/oversight of the US vaccination program has been broken for decades, we must consider this low-hanging fruit as another possible culprit.
Let's start with the obvious. For many years it was accepted by the medical community that vaccines are not to be given during pregnancy. But in the twenty-first century, that all suddenly changed. Now the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends pregnant women get the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccine during each pregnancy. In addition, there is also an aggressive, ongoing campaign to target pregnant women with the flu shot. According to the CDC's website, even the Hepatitis B vaccine is “recommended in some cases,” citing “Pregnancy is not a contraindication to vaccination.” There is one big problem that the CDC and medical bodies endorsing their recommendations overlook: none of the vaccines they recommend for pregnant women have had any safety testing on...pregnant women. The manufacturer's vaccine insert for the two popular Tdap vaccines, Adacel and Boostrix, both state that it's unknown whether the vaccines can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction capacity. Similarly, the manufacturer's insert of a popular flu shot brand FLULAVAL states, “There are insufficient data on FLULAVAL QUADRIVALENT in pregnant women to inform vaccine-associated risks.”
Establishment mouthpieces for Big Pharma and Big Ag will say the science is settled. In reality, the science has barely started. Forcing untested, dangerous vaccines on pregnant women while both infant and maternal mortality rates rise to the highest mark in industrial nations isn't science, isn't health, and isn't medicine. Allowing untested, dangerous herbicides and pesticides to permeate our air, food, water, and even vaccines without oversight or proper testing of its health effects isn't agricultural progress. It is the sacrifice of human health at the altar of corporate profits and corruption.