As the parents and concerned citizens rallied in Sacramento to oppose Senate Bill 277, the Senate Health Committee advanced the bill with a 6 to 2 vote. In what the Sergeant at Arms described as “The biggest turnout I’ve seen in 15 years,” the signed bill now faces further challenges on the way to law. In California, where solutions appear to always remove rights from the citizen and replace them with control, hope for individual freedoms is getting hard to come by. While the state grapples with laughable solutions put forward by Gov. Jerry Brown to end a drought, parents now face the real possibility of forced vaccination for their children attending public school. During the hearing, many of the six senators who voted in favor of the bill used their time to voice pro-vaccine talking points. Yet, not before the Health Committee sat through almost two hours of parents and children giving their individual testimonies on record in opposition. Before the final vote, Committee Chair Senator Ed Hernandez (D) West Covina stated for the record “I believe in the science. I believe vaccines are safe and effective.” Not to be outdone, Senator Lois Wolk (D) Davis represented the collectivist, herd immunity crowd by stating for the record, “Our individual rights aren’t without limits. You insisting on your right (to not vaccinate) could harm my child or grandchild.” For pro-vaccine choice parents that wish to still live in California and maintain their freedom of medical choice, an amendment will be added to allow home schooling parents to maintain their philosophical exemption.
The bill now will be heard by the Senate Education Committee, followed by the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate Appropriations Committee. From there, it faces the Assembly before Gov. Jerry Brown decides to sign away parental rights to exemptions.
In what can only be considered planned coincidence, roughly one hour after SB-277 was voted on, NBC’s Law and Order SVU ran its new episode titled ‘Granting Immunity.’ The episode features a measles outbreak in a California school due to a “hippie dippy mom that never vaccinated her kids.” In between pharmaceutical ad commercials from Flonase and Allegra, it was clear that this was behavior placement aimed to attack thinking, pro-vaccine choice parents. Spoiler alert! After being called “Typhoid Trudy” and “Joan of Arc (sarcastically)” the pro-vaccine choice mother is convicted on second degree reckless endangerment. During her trial, the defense cites the Centers for Disease Control by saying that the side effects from the MMR vaccine are “statistically insignificant” “mostly mild” and “one in a million.” All of these statements are in serious question now that the CDC whistleblower, Dr. William H Thompson, has released his statement admitting fraud regarding his work during official government MMR vaccine research and its link to increased autism.
California Water Crisis
CDC Whistleblower Dr. Thompson
Admitted Behavior Placement
Law & Order Episode Trailer