Throughout the world, the initial confidence of the people in the safe and trusted HPV vaccine narrative pushed by governments and their health authorities is in various stages of decline. What could be the reason the official PR games are failing? Is it the work of the dreaded anti-vaxers? Perhaps it’s the vaccine-hesitant mothers whose sprouting need for informed consent and parental choice is just enough to upset the delicate balance of settled vaccine science. For anyone watching the scrambling buffoonery of Big Pharma and their allies as they attempt to damage control the persisting rejection of HPV vaccine programs throughout the world, the true pattern begins to emerge.
To start with, it should be noted that the pre-licensure safety testing of Merck’s Gardasil® (one of the HPV vaccine brands marketed) violated the basic design of clinical trials. Instead of testing the HPV vaccine against an inert placebo (such as saline), Merck tested its product against a “placebo” composed of an aluminum adjuvant and other vaccine ingredients (e.g. polysorbate 80, L-histidine) that surely have significant biological effects. In other words, the approval of Gardasil® was based on improperly conducted clinical safety trials.
Big Pharma decided to expand HPV post-licensure observational studies, and they chose to conduct them without informed consent in India’s small, impoverished towns. Swooping into India under Big Pharma’s operating arm, the Programme for Appropriate Technology in Health, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Once severe and often deadly adverse vaccine reactions started afflicting Indian HPV-study participants, the country began halting the trials and the Indian government started investigations. After five years of legal battles, India kicked out the Gates Foundation, citing, among other things, the Foundation’s conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies.
It was in late 2012 when Colombia’s government made the HPV vaccine “Free and Mandatory” by “Law of the Republic” for young girls. After the shots were administered at school to all girls without informed consent, severe adverse reactions sprang up. The girls from the municipality of El Carmen De Bolviar were most severely affected. Shortly after the common telltale vaccine injuries, the school was surrounded by united parents who refused to leave school premises until justice was served and proper medical attention was given to their girls. In 2014, the Supreme Court of Colombia awarded its first decision to force the country’s medical community to give alternative medical treatment to an HPV vaccine-injured girl. The legal challenges and protests didn’t stop. Colombia was forced to withdraw its “mandatory” HPV vaccine decree. Currently, there are 700 girls participating in a class-action lawsuit for $30.5 million against Merck for damages causes by Gardasil.
As far as more aware governments go, Japan has handled the unraveling HPV vaccine fraud the best, which isn’t saying much in the greater picture of bumbling criminal activity that typically follows this vaccine. Japan added the HPV vaccine to the recommended vaccination schedule in 2013 after its government made revisions to Japan’s Preventive Vaccination Law. However, this recommendation was suspended only two months after it was issued, due to multiple complaints of adverse events.
In 2014, Sin Hang Lee, MD, former Associate Professor at Yale University and current Director of the Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, and other researchers appeared before eight medical academic members of the Japanese government’s Advisory Council on the Alleged Adverse Reactions to HPV Vaccines, several top-ranking Health Ministry officials, medical doctors, and journalists from the nation’s major newspapers and television networks. Dr. Lee and the other researchers presented evidence regarding the risks involved with HPV vaccines during a symposium, two press conferences and a government-sponsored public hearing. Dr. Lee reported to Japanese officials in attendance his findings of HPV DNA fragments in 16 unopened vials of Gardasil sent to Milford Medical Laboratory, Inc. from nine countries and in the postmortem blood and spleen samples obtained at the autopsy of the 18-year-old New Zealand girl who died after Gardasil vaccination.
Through Freedom of Information Act requests after the public Japanese investigation, Dr. Lee was able to get the internal emails from members of various global agencies showing collusion during the investigation. Dr. Lee filed an open-letter of complaint to the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Margaret Chan. In this letter, Lee states:
“I have come into possession of documentation which leads me to believe multiple individuals and organizations deliberately set out to mislead Japanese authorities regarding the safety of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil® and Cervarix®.”
It should be noted that while other countries are still pushing the HPV vaccine on their school-age girls (and even boys) with little to no help for those injured by the shot, Japanese researchers are already admitting and studying their historical errors. In 2017 The Indian Journal of Medical Ethics published the study titled Lessons learnt in Japan from adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine: a medical ethics perspective. The study is a bombshell admission and step by step analysis of how Japan, and other countries, have wronged the public through an unethical and fraudulent HPV vaccine push. The Japanese Ministry of Health’s official numbers show the inoculation rate for the HPV vaccine in Japan decreased rapidly from 80% at its peak to less than 1% at present. There are currently multi-plaintiff lawsuits ongoing in Tokyo, Aichi, Osaka, and Kyushu.
And then we come to Ireland, which can be looked at as having the worst response to the uncovered HPV vaccine fraud. Instead of pulling back as Japan did or allowing debate and lawsuits to go forward within the Supreme Court like Colombia, Ireland continues to blame the HPV vaccine injured for plummeting uptake while simultaneously denying they exist. Happily backed by the country’s corporate media, the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) has aggressively targeted parents of vaccine-injured girls in hopes of publicly defaming them through continuous abuse. The HSE director has labeled such parents “emotional terrorists” while the current Irish Health Minister has publicly told parents of HPV-vaccine injured girls to “get out of the way.” Like Colombia, the shots are given on school grounds during immunizations days where the HSE has repeatedly, in writing, told school principals to withhold informed consent from parents. Ireland’s HPV vaccination rates have dropped from around 80 percent to under 50 percent. However a recent poll shows only 20 percent would allow their girls to get the shot.
One thing is certain from this past decade: the harder health officials deny HPV vaccine fraud, the faster their country wakes up. The US has paid out over $6 million for damages from the HPV vaccine. The US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), thought to catch less than one percent of all reactions, has recorded nearly 52,000 adverse reactions from the shot. In smaller countries where word of mouth travels faster, the trends of HPV vaccine uptake are all following those of Japan’s, as they trend towards less than one percent. Will officials who knowingly push a fraudulent vaccine that is damaging the daughters (and sons) of their people be criminally prosecuted? Only time will tell. But in the court of public opinion, the HPV vaccine is imploding fast.
To start with, it should be noted that the pre-licensure safety testing of Merck’s Gardasil® (one of the HPV vaccine brands marketed) violated the basic design of clinical trials. Instead of testing the HPV vaccine against an inert placebo (such as saline), Merck tested its product against a “placebo” composed of an aluminum adjuvant and other vaccine ingredients (e.g. polysorbate 80, L-histidine) that surely have significant biological effects. In other words, the approval of Gardasil® was based on improperly conducted clinical safety trials.
Big Pharma decided to expand HPV post-licensure observational studies, and they chose to conduct them without informed consent in India’s small, impoverished towns. Swooping into India under Big Pharma’s operating arm, the Programme for Appropriate Technology in Health, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Once severe and often deadly adverse vaccine reactions started afflicting Indian HPV-study participants, the country began halting the trials and the Indian government started investigations. After five years of legal battles, India kicked out the Gates Foundation, citing, among other things, the Foundation’s conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies.
It was in late 2012 when Colombia’s government made the HPV vaccine “Free and Mandatory” by “Law of the Republic” for young girls. After the shots were administered at school to all girls without informed consent, severe adverse reactions sprang up. The girls from the municipality of El Carmen De Bolviar were most severely affected. Shortly after the common telltale vaccine injuries, the school was surrounded by united parents who refused to leave school premises until justice was served and proper medical attention was given to their girls. In 2014, the Supreme Court of Colombia awarded its first decision to force the country’s medical community to give alternative medical treatment to an HPV vaccine-injured girl. The legal challenges and protests didn’t stop. Colombia was forced to withdraw its “mandatory” HPV vaccine decree. Currently, there are 700 girls participating in a class-action lawsuit for $30.5 million against Merck for damages causes by Gardasil.
As far as more aware governments go, Japan has handled the unraveling HPV vaccine fraud the best, which isn’t saying much in the greater picture of bumbling criminal activity that typically follows this vaccine. Japan added the HPV vaccine to the recommended vaccination schedule in 2013 after its government made revisions to Japan’s Preventive Vaccination Law. However, this recommendation was suspended only two months after it was issued, due to multiple complaints of adverse events.
In 2014, Sin Hang Lee, MD, former Associate Professor at Yale University and current Director of the Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, and other researchers appeared before eight medical academic members of the Japanese government’s Advisory Council on the Alleged Adverse Reactions to HPV Vaccines, several top-ranking Health Ministry officials, medical doctors, and journalists from the nation’s major newspapers and television networks. Dr. Lee and the other researchers presented evidence regarding the risks involved with HPV vaccines during a symposium, two press conferences and a government-sponsored public hearing. Dr. Lee reported to Japanese officials in attendance his findings of HPV DNA fragments in 16 unopened vials of Gardasil sent to Milford Medical Laboratory, Inc. from nine countries and in the postmortem blood and spleen samples obtained at the autopsy of the 18-year-old New Zealand girl who died after Gardasil vaccination.
Through Freedom of Information Act requests after the public Japanese investigation, Dr. Lee was able to get the internal emails from members of various global agencies showing collusion during the investigation. Dr. Lee filed an open-letter of complaint to the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Margaret Chan. In this letter, Lee states:
“I have come into possession of documentation which leads me to believe multiple individuals and organizations deliberately set out to mislead Japanese authorities regarding the safety of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil® and Cervarix®.”
It should be noted that while other countries are still pushing the HPV vaccine on their school-age girls (and even boys) with little to no help for those injured by the shot, Japanese researchers are already admitting and studying their historical errors. In 2017 The Indian Journal of Medical Ethics published the study titled Lessons learnt in Japan from adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine: a medical ethics perspective. The study is a bombshell admission and step by step analysis of how Japan, and other countries, have wronged the public through an unethical and fraudulent HPV vaccine push. The Japanese Ministry of Health’s official numbers show the inoculation rate for the HPV vaccine in Japan decreased rapidly from 80% at its peak to less than 1% at present. There are currently multi-plaintiff lawsuits ongoing in Tokyo, Aichi, Osaka, and Kyushu.
And then we come to Ireland, which can be looked at as having the worst response to the uncovered HPV vaccine fraud. Instead of pulling back as Japan did or allowing debate and lawsuits to go forward within the Supreme Court like Colombia, Ireland continues to blame the HPV vaccine injured for plummeting uptake while simultaneously denying they exist. Happily backed by the country’s corporate media, the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) has aggressively targeted parents of vaccine-injured girls in hopes of publicly defaming them through continuous abuse. The HSE director has labeled such parents “emotional terrorists” while the current Irish Health Minister has publicly told parents of HPV-vaccine injured girls to “get out of the way.” Like Colombia, the shots are given on school grounds during immunizations days where the HSE has repeatedly, in writing, told school principals to withhold informed consent from parents. Ireland’s HPV vaccination rates have dropped from around 80 percent to under 50 percent. However a recent poll shows only 20 percent would allow their girls to get the shot.
One thing is certain from this past decade: the harder health officials deny HPV vaccine fraud, the faster their country wakes up. The US has paid out over $6 million for damages from the HPV vaccine. The US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), thought to catch less than one percent of all reactions, has recorded nearly 52,000 adverse reactions from the shot. In smaller countries where word of mouth travels faster, the trends of HPV vaccine uptake are all following those of Japan’s, as they trend towards less than one percent. Will officials who knowingly push a fraudulent vaccine that is damaging the daughters (and sons) of their people be criminally prosecuted? Only time will tell. But in the court of public opinion, the HPV vaccine is imploding fast.