For an ever-increasing critical mass of parents and their teenage children worldwide, the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine has become an impediment to health. For the many who have experienced the severe adverse reactions from the shot, its clever marketing, corporate propaganda and “safe and effective” lies evaporate like vampires in the sunlight. Throughout the world, there has been a concerted program in place, executed by schools and medical systems, to withhold informed consent from parents before HPV vaccination. Instead of preventing cervical cancers, the shot leaves only mounting medical bills, unfulfilled life dreams and perpetual battles for rights and compensation with abusive health/political systems.
Scratching just beneath the surface of medicine’s new religious savior of injectable health [vaccination] reveals a simple pharmaceutical power grab to secure bottom lines, market share and lifelong customers. The HPV vaccine, a private for-profit product from historically criminal monopolistic corporations, has been forced on unknowing populations worldwide. However, the education gap is closing rapidly as parents revolt, communities educate each other and the idea of health freedom permeates the consciousness of humanity.
In 2006 when the HPV vaccine first came available, recommendations by public health officials, influential organizations or medical establishments could be looked upon as being done in ignorance; although there was plenty of evidence at the time to challenge the vaccine’s public rollout. Fast-forwarding from 2006 to present day, the world has experienced an HPV vaccine backlash in the face of widespread mounting injuries from the shot’s severe adverse reactions. Lawsuits for personal injury have occurred and are ongoing in Ireland, Columbia, Japan, America, India and other countries. Major medical journals have raised serious questions. The Nordic Cochran Centre, along with independent researchers, have documented high level, coordinated research fraud and willful criminal negligence to hide the HPV vaccine's dangers and protect Big Pharma companies.
In 2016, recommendations giving the green light to the HPV vaccine are nothing more than criminal-minded racketeering operations at best, and crimes against humanity in their modern forms. Enter the discredited American Cancer Society (ACS) whose recent press release stood proudly transparent against a backdrop of pharmaceutical company collusion. According to their press release, the ACS has “updated its guideline for human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination to include males.” The ACS has been the poster child for a do-nothing charitable organization whose primary purpose is to serve as an impediment to alternative cancer therapies, holistic solutions, identifying causes and overall health freedom. Perhaps the biggest slap in the face for the handful of diehard ACS supporters left after their recent press release can be found on the organization’s corporate support page. The ACS webpage, containing the statement “gratefully acknowledging those many corporations who actively support its mission” pays homage to their contributors who annually donate. Among those corporate contributors listed are none other than HPV vaccine manufacturer Merck & Co [annual contribution of $250K-$499,99]. Other contributors to ACS’s mission include Pfizer [annual contributions of $250K-$499,99], Eli Lilly and Company [annual contributions of $250K-$499,99], Bristol Myers Squibb Company [annual contributions of $250K-$499,99], Johnson & Johnson [annual contributions of $250K-$499,999], Celegene [annual contributions of $250K-$499,000], Genetech [annual contributions of $500K-$999,999]. Of notable mention are ACS’s corporate sponsors Lockheed Martin Co [annual contributions of $500K-$999,999] and Northrop Grumman [annual contributions of $250K-$499,999]. Why are makers of military arms and equipment major supporters and contributors to the American Cancer Society?
In the face of growing HPV vaccine rejection in America, state health departments are attempting to force parents to submit their teenagers to HPV vaccination outside of law. However, after massive public backlash, heath departments have had to continually back down and admit overreach leaving their department heads open for county Grand Jury criminal indictment. Recently, activated parents pushing back through education, public complaints and legal measures forced Indiana State's Department of Health to back off in a shameful, discredited fashion their attempt to force the HPV vaccination on children outside of law.
This article isn’t just another spotlight of the all-to-common pharmaceutical company corruption that has infiltrated most centers of power. The naked HPV vaccine corruption and criminality in plain sight represents a potential linchpin to irreversibly damage the public’s trust and willful compliance of a vaccine industry leaning weary on the ropes waiting for a final knockout blow. Unlike the continuous scores of infants and children who experience vaccine injury, the teenagers injured by the HPV vaccine can tell their story powerfully in their own words. With mainstream media outside of America giving airtime to the HPV injured teenagers and their parents, the world has taken notice.
As humanity wakes up to the HPV vaccine assault, the only answer by the pharmaceutically-controlled media, political class and medical system is more control, more deception and more censorship. Yet, on a long enough timeline, their underhanded methods contain the seeds of their own destruction within them. Though the manifestation of unsilenceable warrior parents, independent journalism and courageous voices within the medical and research communities, the people are pushing back this attempt on the vibrant spirits and health freedom of our next generation.
Scratching just beneath the surface of medicine’s new religious savior of injectable health [vaccination] reveals a simple pharmaceutical power grab to secure bottom lines, market share and lifelong customers. The HPV vaccine, a private for-profit product from historically criminal monopolistic corporations, has been forced on unknowing populations worldwide. However, the education gap is closing rapidly as parents revolt, communities educate each other and the idea of health freedom permeates the consciousness of humanity.
In 2006 when the HPV vaccine first came available, recommendations by public health officials, influential organizations or medical establishments could be looked upon as being done in ignorance; although there was plenty of evidence at the time to challenge the vaccine’s public rollout. Fast-forwarding from 2006 to present day, the world has experienced an HPV vaccine backlash in the face of widespread mounting injuries from the shot’s severe adverse reactions. Lawsuits for personal injury have occurred and are ongoing in Ireland, Columbia, Japan, America, India and other countries. Major medical journals have raised serious questions. The Nordic Cochran Centre, along with independent researchers, have documented high level, coordinated research fraud and willful criminal negligence to hide the HPV vaccine's dangers and protect Big Pharma companies.
In 2016, recommendations giving the green light to the HPV vaccine are nothing more than criminal-minded racketeering operations at best, and crimes against humanity in their modern forms. Enter the discredited American Cancer Society (ACS) whose recent press release stood proudly transparent against a backdrop of pharmaceutical company collusion. According to their press release, the ACS has “updated its guideline for human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination to include males.” The ACS has been the poster child for a do-nothing charitable organization whose primary purpose is to serve as an impediment to alternative cancer therapies, holistic solutions, identifying causes and overall health freedom. Perhaps the biggest slap in the face for the handful of diehard ACS supporters left after their recent press release can be found on the organization’s corporate support page. The ACS webpage, containing the statement “gratefully acknowledging those many corporations who actively support its mission” pays homage to their contributors who annually donate. Among those corporate contributors listed are none other than HPV vaccine manufacturer Merck & Co [annual contribution of $250K-$499,99]. Other contributors to ACS’s mission include Pfizer [annual contributions of $250K-$499,99], Eli Lilly and Company [annual contributions of $250K-$499,99], Bristol Myers Squibb Company [annual contributions of $250K-$499,99], Johnson & Johnson [annual contributions of $250K-$499,999], Celegene [annual contributions of $250K-$499,000], Genetech [annual contributions of $500K-$999,999]. Of notable mention are ACS’s corporate sponsors Lockheed Martin Co [annual contributions of $500K-$999,999] and Northrop Grumman [annual contributions of $250K-$499,999]. Why are makers of military arms and equipment major supporters and contributors to the American Cancer Society?
In the face of growing HPV vaccine rejection in America, state health departments are attempting to force parents to submit their teenagers to HPV vaccination outside of law. However, after massive public backlash, heath departments have had to continually back down and admit overreach leaving their department heads open for county Grand Jury criminal indictment. Recently, activated parents pushing back through education, public complaints and legal measures forced Indiana State's Department of Health to back off in a shameful, discredited fashion their attempt to force the HPV vaccination on children outside of law.
This article isn’t just another spotlight of the all-to-common pharmaceutical company corruption that has infiltrated most centers of power. The naked HPV vaccine corruption and criminality in plain sight represents a potential linchpin to irreversibly damage the public’s trust and willful compliance of a vaccine industry leaning weary on the ropes waiting for a final knockout blow. Unlike the continuous scores of infants and children who experience vaccine injury, the teenagers injured by the HPV vaccine can tell their story powerfully in their own words. With mainstream media outside of America giving airtime to the HPV injured teenagers and their parents, the world has taken notice.
As humanity wakes up to the HPV vaccine assault, the only answer by the pharmaceutically-controlled media, political class and medical system is more control, more deception and more censorship. Yet, on a long enough timeline, their underhanded methods contain the seeds of their own destruction within them. Though the manifestation of unsilenceable warrior parents, independent journalism and courageous voices within the medical and research communities, the people are pushing back this attempt on the vibrant spirits and health freedom of our next generation.